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French duelling sword

L’épée de combat
The French duelling sword (l’épée de combat) is a thrusting weapon for duelling, which developed in the fourth decade of the 19th century in the gradual transformation of the smallsword from the previous century. The duelling sword inherited the lightened triangular cross-sectioned blade from the smallsword, as well as the length and holding of the weapon. The typical guard of the smallsword was replaced by the bell-shaped cup guard providing ample protection to the hand and forearm. Unlike the smallsword however, the duelling sword was never a side arm. With time, the very sharp duelling sword came to be used more and more as a sporting weapon, especially in the second half of the nineteenth century. For these purposes, the dangerous point of the duelling sword was blunted, and its blade became more flexible.

Methodology: maître d’armes Jan Kostka
Instructor: maître d’armes Jan Kostka
Methodology manuals:
Donald Walker: Defensive Exercises, Fencing and Broadsword, London 1840
Baron César de Bazancourt: Les Secrets de l´Épée, Paris 1862
Claude La Marche: Traité de l´Épée, Paris 1884
Camille Prevost: Théorie Pratique de l´Escrime, Paris 1886
Julio Martinez Castelló: The Theory and Practice of Fencing, New York, London 1933

Luigi Barbasetti: The Art of the Épée, New York 1936
Dr. Jan Černohorský: Šerm fleuretem a kordem, Praha 1947
Leonid Křížek: Historie evropských duelů a šermu III – Od duelového ke sportovnímu kolbišti, Praha 2015

Target area: the whole body, thrust only