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Gear and weapons

Basic training

Equipment: fencing mask (350 Newtons), fencing jacket (350 Newtons), fencing gloves.
Weapons: French foil and épée, duelling sword (provided by the A.D. school)

In the first three months of training, the pupil will only require their own pair of fencing gloves and black sport clothes. After three months one’s own fencing mask and jacket are necessary.

Training weapons do not have sharp edges and points, nevertheless their use always requires adherence to principles of SAFETY and DISCIPLINE, and strictly FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS given by the teacher.

Advanced training

Equipment: fencing mask (1600 Newtons), fencing jacket (800 Newtons), fencing gloves, adequate pads.
Weapons: student’s own sabre, small sword, rapier, bayonet

Fencing with the heavier weapons (sabre, small sword, rapier, bayonet) requires adequate reinforced fencing gear.
Training weapons do not have sharp edges and points, nevertheless their use always requires adherence to principles of SAFETY and DISCIPLINE, and strictly FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS given by the teacher.